Pictures and Videoclips from Bootie Munich (

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2008

Bootie Munich #5

Pictures from Bootie Munich #5

Schmolli & BootOX finishing the track for the midnight show:

Lee Buzz' CDs with handwritten tracklists:

Gentlemax and Schmolli

Lee Buzz and Schmolli

Gentlemax @ work

DJ Y @ work

BootOX dressed for the midnight show:

Lee Buzz @ work after the midnight show:

The legendary Weißwurst (Bavarian veal sausage) breakfast on Saturday:

Suddenly BootOX sat on the floor:

The chair was broken:

DJ Y alias Jean-Yves spinning @ Bootie Munich #5

Lee Buzz spinning @ Bootie Munich #5

Schmolli, BootOX & Lee Buzz @ Bootie Munich #5

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